Thursday 26 June 2014

My mum's barbecue sauce recipe

My mum, Charlotte Harper Graham, who passed away last November, would have been 64 this coming Sunday. One of her most delicious recipes was the barbecue sauce that she used to make for us when we were kids, and so this Sunday, we're going to have it for our dinner as a wee birthday remembrance.

But as a recipe, it's too nice to keep to myself - and with my luck I'll get run over by a bus before I get a chance to pass it on myself.

  • Two teaspoons sugar
  • Two teaspoons flour
  • One teaspoon vinegar
  • Five teaspoons curry powder
  • Sprinkle of black pepper
  • Small tin of tomato puree
  • Medium sized bottle tomato sauce (400ml/460g)
  • Two tablespoons Worcester sauce
  • Small minced animal of choice

Put sugar, flour, curry powder, vinegar, black pepper and tomato puree into a bowl and mix to a paste
Pour tomato sauce onto the paste
Fill tomato sauce bottle with cold water and add - mix in bowl to smooth consistency
Add the two tablespoons of Worcester sauce and again mix to smooth
Fry mince to brown (optional - add garlic and onion)
Pour the sauce over, stir and mix - bring to the boil
Simmer the sauce for half an hour.

Eat barbecue sauce.

Raise a glass to my Mum.

You can find out more about her at - she was one hell of a woman!


  1. Chris, what a nice way to celebrate this first difficult milestone. My mother died 40 years ago and I still have that lump in my throat on her birthday. Yours was too young. (typo in previous post)

  2. Thanks - all her sons had the same meal on Sunday, in two different parts of Scotland, and in Dubai. Family favourite!
